Tuesday, November 4, 2008

ELECTION DAY 2008 - Your Power as an American!

Today the candidate of your choice will be elected as the next President of the United States of America …

or he will not.

What happens tomorrow?

Tomorrow begins a new era. The effect that the new president-elect will have on your reality depends not only on him, his energy, his thoughts, his beliefs, and his actions, but yours as well. And yours. And yours. And yours.

If you are a member of Congress, if you are a teacher, if you are a stay-at-home-mom, if you are an optometrist, if you are a missionary, if you are an investment banker, a police officer, a reiki practitioner, an ice cream store owner, an accountant, a millionaire, a man, a Christian, a senior citizen, a cancer survivor, an atheist, an adventurer, a musician, an astronaut, an artist, an EMT, a postal worker, a machinist, a Latino, a neighbor, an organizer, a dreamer, an inventor, an Irishman, a rescuer, a builder, a Jew, a chemist … if you are any one or any thing, if you breathe, then you affect the next four years of life in America.

Suppose you are happy with the election results. Will you celebrate? A passing moment of joy? Will you feel relief? Will you feel optimistic? Will you celebrate wildly? Will you focus on all the wonderful expectations you have for the future?

What if your preferred candidate loses? How will you react? Will you cry? Will you commiserate with friends? Will you feel angry? Disappointed? Will you be fearful for the future?

Take a moment to contemplate how you will feel after the election results are tallied. After you realize where your thoughts are likely to go, think about this truth:

You have the power to create the reality in America that you want.

Your power began with your vote, but it does not end there. Read on...

Monday, October 6, 2008

Is this book a good one for me to read? Is this my path to enlightenment?

"It seems to me,you live your life like a candle in the wind. Never knowing who to cling to when the rain comes in..." - Candle in the Wind, 1973

Sources for universal truth proliferate on earth today. It seems that each month, or week, or day, a new book or theorist or philosophy takes off in the mass market, providing a wonderful opportunity for people to increase their level of awareness.

With the volume of information out there, how do you decide what has value? How do you determine which pieces of information are, in fact, based upon universal truth rather than falsehoods? How do you know for sure if this one book or seminar is beneficial for you personally?

Once again, and I know you've heard this from Karen's guides before, use your intuition as your guide. Exactly how does one use intuition in this case? Don't hesitate to engage in a book, teleseminar, workshop, or audio program if you feel drawn to it; you needn't count on your intuition as being so reliable that you can predetermine the value of the content of everything that interests you. Instead, participate with an open mind and sense how the information is making you feel. If you feel repelled [pushed away] or closed, it's likely that the information is not beneficial for you at the moment, and perhaps never will be. If, on the other hand, the message gets you excited and very interested, you feel drawn in, then you have likely hit upon something truthful and beneficial.

Use your other powers of sensing value. Do the prescribed exercises or tasks seem tedious or onerous? Do the exercises seem boring? Answering these two questions can also guide you to the potential that working any recommended program has for your personal benefit. There's tremendous variation from one person to another regarding their willingness to commit to levels of exercise, but if you can sense you will not commit, then you are either not ready for the information or it holds no value for you.

Perhaps you're thinking about a perpetually lazy person who never tries his hand at anything, so how could he decide the usefulness of this information? If he rejects it perhaps he is being lazy. True! But laziness is a form of maintaining a level of awareness in which one finds comfort. It is for each individual to determine for her or himself when to expand. This fact indicates to you how intuition works. When ready, the person wanting to expand will draw in beneficial circumstances, information, and people.

Lastly, remember that not all information from one source may benefit you even if some does. For example, when you read a book, you may find that several chapters resonate within you, yet another chapter does not. Your sense of reason should be recognized as knowing that different information from the same source does not equate to all the information having the same value or level of truthfulness. And even the most enlightened source may fail to access truth for reasons of personal bias or individual masks filtering information.

It is good to know that the truth lies within you. Truth is not necessarily what the crowd thinks. Truth is not necessarily a product that is popular or trendy. Truth is not "dictated." Truth is known when it is discovered. It feels good. It feels loving. It feels right.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


May 28, 2008 Wednesday, 6:30 - 9:30 pm
4 Points SHERATON, Plainview, NY

Audience directed seminar!

AN OPPORTUNITY to ask YOUR personal or global questions of Karen's guides for insightful realizations!

The FIRST Questions and Answers seminar based upon
THE ANSWERS to you questions about life
Question examples:
  • How can I achieve abundance?
  • How can I connect with my guides?
  • What happens when we die?
  • What is my purpose?
  • How do I improve my intuition?
If you can think of it - you can ask it!
ie: money, ghosts, near-death experiences, heaven & hell, reincarnation, death, life's quest, relationships, Ouija boards, love, global warming, astrology, ...

Bring a friend FREE!
ONLY $39 if you register by May 21st

Dealing with Stifling Personalities

As many people increase their level of awareness and become happier and happier, they begin to notice the weightiness of the interactions with someone in their life.

How do you deal with such a person?

To manage difficult personalities, you have two choices. The first is obvious - decide that this person's influence is repeatedly detrimental and eliminate the person (extreme) or their influence (by not discussing certain matters) from your life. This method is impractical in most cases - but in certain situations is the best course.

However, a less permanent or difficult manner is to discuss briefly the situation with the other person. Make the facts known. Do not expect any particular result - negative or positive - and allow the conversation to be just factual. If the difficult person is negative, simply state, "I appreciate your opinion, but I am happy with my view (or my decision, my choice, etc.)." Word your response however is natural to you but the key is to remain matter of fact and unemotional in your words and in your thoughts. After stating your perspective, change the subject quickly.

The other person will begin to realize that negative input is not finding a place to thrive within you. You are not seeking negative responses.

In the future, before you present information that you believe will be portrayed as negative... Read on

Friday, February 29, 2008

Intuition Bridges the Realms - for good reason!

(by the ever-wise Wyce, one of Karen's guides)

I “listened” to a woman this week with a great idea. The idea popped into her head a few years ago and seems fantastic, yet undoable. Actually, it is doable, but it’s hard. It’s probably not that hard, just troublesome at times.

The thing about it, though, is that a lot of people will benefit if she pulls it off. Yet, it’s so much easier to do nothing – maybe the ultimate benefit will never occur.

As a soul without a physical body, I spend a great deal of energy trying to get good ideas to people on earth. You see, we here have a global and eternal perspective about things, and because of this property, we can sense wonderful ways to bring more joy into one’s life and into the lives of many.

Those attempts that I and other souls make can often be interpreted by earth people as “intuition.” Intuition is more than just a hunch. It’s more than just a “coincidence.” And it’s certainly more than just a random experience. Intuitive moments are purposeful... Read on

Monday, January 7, 2008

Welcome 2008... a year that rhymes with "great"

The wonderful thing about a new year is that the possibilities for adventure and wonderful events are endless. The feeling of "out with the old and in with new" can leave us with a fresh feeling of renewal and excitement.

Rather than attempt the traditional New Year's resolutions, why not think of a way that you can simply make your life happier this year than last year? Start by eliminating the words "should" and "need," as in "I need to get a better a job" or "I should lose 10 pounds." Instead of focusing on the negative that you want to fix, look at the situation from a new angle. Pose this question to yourself: "What can I do this year that will make me happier than last year?" Allow yourself to feel the joy in the possibilities. "I want to enjoy the foods and body movement that make me feel more fit and free." "I will discover a form of exercise that I love." A task that is a pleasure is easier to commit to.

Think about what you want and direct your energy towards letting it happen. If you would love to visit Italy, for example, take a book out of the library about learning Italian. It will help direct your energy and thoughts into allowing the trip to become more possible.

2008 is unwritten. Being mindful that your thoughts and beliefs create your reality will thrust you toward the happiness you want this year. It's all there for you.

Truly, Happy New Year!