Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Welcome to The ANSWERS Blog

Hi and Welcome to the ANSWERS Blog.

I have been very busy working on the next book in The ANSWERS Series - Wyce's Money Book and expect it to be available by Thanksgiving. Along with writing new books, seeing clients, and organizing our next seminar (Oct 11th in NYC), I will do my best to get new thoughts and insights up here as often as possible.

Feel free to leave your comments and questions and we can begin an interactive forum! You can subscribe (free) and as soon as new posts are added you are notified via email.

My best,

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Law of Attraction

The concept of the law of attraction is drawing much attention these days. From our perspective in the energy realm, we recognize that the comprehension of this principle can be furthered by understanding the existence of other principles that exist in the human experience.

The law of attraction is not the only magnet or energy at play in earth life. There are many other vehicles that assist people in gaining the experiences and awareness that they set out to gain when they chose a physical life. The dominant force in action in your life is your individual quest. Your quest is perhaps best described as a "goal list' that you created before you leaped to earth university. This list is highly individual, contains big and little "goals," and acts as an invisible compass during life's journey. The more awareness an individual gains on earth about the purpose for physical life, the more their individual compass becomes visible.

The best way to recognize snippets of your quest is to review your passion. The things, people, circumstances, places, and pursuits which bring you the greatest passion reveal clues as to why you chose earth life.

The law of attraction is another “force” which acts within your realm. Its primary benefit is to allow you to comprehend the power of your belief system and the power of your soul’s ability to manifest change. Of course, change may be interpreted as good or bad, but all change has opportunities for benefit. You may not understand the benefit, but it exists. Having faith that all change provides some positive opportunities is more important than necessarily understanding what the positive aspects may be.